Seminar Linked Data and the Semantic Web (Master)

  • Type: Seminar (S)
  • Semester: WS 23/24
  • Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Michael Färber
    Dr.-Ing. Tobias Käfer
    Christoph Braun
  • SWS: 3
  • Lv-No.: 2513313
  • Information: On-Site

Linked Data is a way of publishing data on the web in a machine-understandable fashion. The aim of this practical seminar is to build applications and devise algorithms that consume, provide, or analyse Linked Data.

The Linked Data principles are a set of practices for data publishing on the web. Linked Data builds on the web architecture and uses HTTP for data access, and RDF for describing data, thus aiming towards web-scale data integration. There is a vast amount of data available published according to those principles: recently, 4.5 billion facts have been counted with information about various domains, including music, movies, geography, natural sciences. Linked Data is also used to make web-pages machine-understandable, corresponding annotations are considered by the big search engine providers. On a smaller scale, devices on the Internet of Things can also be accessed using Linked Data which makes the unified processing of device data and data from the web easy.

In this practical seminar, students will build prototypical applications and devise algorithms that consume, provide, or analyse Linked Data. Those applications and algorithms can also extend existing applications ranging from databases to mobile apps.

For the seminar, programming skills or knowledge about web development tools/technologies are highly recommended. Basic knowledge of RDF and SPARQL are also recommended, but may be acquired during the seminar. Students will work in groups. Seminar meetings will take place as 'Block-Seminar'.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Travel Security
  • Geo data
  • Linked News
  • Social Media

The exact dates and information for registration will be announced at the event page.

Language of instructionGerman/English